Mike Burr - log

[KERNEL] This I Propose

I recently wrote a rather manifestive article about all this, you're free to browse if you're interested, but here I want to be concise, unbiased, and dispassionate ...if possible.

Whereas actors on blockchain already have the ability to act with almost perfect pseudonymity, I believe we need to embrace this reality and discuss and experiment with it openly and transparently.

tl;dr -- Tax avoidance is inevitable. Let's have an open conversation about it.

I would hate to think that we have decades of cat-and-mouse arms races between the tax collector and the taxed to look forward to. EVM is "Turing complete", ergo: There are infinitely many ways for tax avoiders to duck, hide, obfuscate, encrypt, and sneak around. Likewise, there are also infinitely many ways for the tax collector to hunt, stalk, monitor, spy, and generally be evil with respect to basic, universal human rights.

Would it be A Good to just create a website, with instructions, links, apps, tips and tricks on tax avoidance and money laundering.

Many otherwise perfectly normal people likely cringe when they read something like that. That is bad. If you're a cringer, you should stop and re-think. Take a hit of this...

If you are worried about an actual Bad being made easy by actual Bad actors, then having the good guys explore and understand all the alleyways and hiding places would be A Good, I believe.

Would the world be a better place if the United States hadn't put a whole nation's resources towards building an atomic bomb? I understand that the bad guys have gotten a lot of good press over the last few decades. I understand that these bombs were used to murder hundreds of thousands of, as far as The War is concerned, innocent people, who had no control over the course of their nation. Yes, it is complicated. But let the alternatives play out in your head. Could possibly have been worse. If nothing else, the folks who had branded themselves the good guys, worked for what they thought was the right cause.

I guess the question becomes: if someone handed you all the cheat codes of all blockchain, enabling you do whatever malicious/benevolent thing you chose to do, would you keep it a secret? Event to yourself, by destroying your cheat sheet? Would you maybe hand it over to who you thought were the good guys? You know, take the best action you possibly can, given your choices. After all, these are going to be uncovered as time goes by. By whom? China!?

The last 30 or so years have seen cases where lawmakers misjudge reality itself, create patently illogical laws by simple edict that must be obeyed (They are elected, after all.) That is a real pickle. And it happens over and over again.

When the bulk of people realize that they could save 100% on their tax bill just by clicking a few button, maybe after taking a few reasonable privacy steps (and whatever that is, it can also be automated), I suspect we will face big changes. If it's danced around by everyone because "tax avoidance is bad", and ethically-minded, capable people just ignore it, then we will face a bigger "pop" than we otherwise would. Think: zit.

Instead, perhaps we should learn to love the bomb. I mean, we already love the bomb (blockchain and freedom in this metaphor), so let's explain to the masses the implications of "all this blockchain stuff"

I believe that for each "crypto law" that comes along, someone should write the script to nullify it. Push a button/break the law. And someone will do this. But will it be an angry teen in mom's basement or will it be researchers, dreamers, idealists, and ethicists?

Let's do some illegal math.

Let's write some illegal software.

Let's do this before it becomes (more) illegal and (more) scary.

I lack specifics here, I know. That's what I'd like to talk about with KERNEL. I have gobs of ideas. It would be great for some smart folks to shoot the stupid ones down, so I can move forward with my goal(s).

Even just having a "squad" of folks who like to sit around and talk about illegal mathematics and illegal software engineering would be a great outcome.