Mike Burr - log

[suh-SAH-et-ee] "Schools" create bullies

Where do you find bullies? If I ask you to go and find for me the places, through history and geography, that had the worst and most bullies. And that we're having a competition. If you can identify the top 10 bully-dense places, upon the earth, I will give you infinite money forever (which would make you a god. this is not "one MILlion dollars".)

Or, whatever you want. The point is, you want to find those places. Just go with it, let's get started:

And "all that mess" means the previous 20k years or so. All day, every day, bro. Kill all the Moors! (I'm not going to say it, you say it.)

Any other candidates? Shopping malls? Not really? Movie theaters? Christian Bible Camp?


And "school" as you and I probably remember it. Some kid got fucking tortured and tortured. Now, that's not new. Kids have tortured each other forever. But don't you think the bullying was worse and more consistent than in your average "gaggle of kids in some circumstance".

Maybe not. Of course it varies.