Mike Burr - log

[Al] here it comes, oh hell no

I think Al has already taught me something about how the mind works, or at least how my mind works. I think a significant component of my brain works, or used to work exactly like ChatGPT. Like pretty exactly.

I don't know how it taught me this, but I realize that just pinging words back-and-forth in your head just giving your inner ChatGPT something to do. I guess it burns calories. But self pollination has some serious limits. Maybe this is a hint to any ideas about how a model interacting with itself can somehow ramp up.

From a practical point of view, I feel like the best approach is to work on tamping down or phasing out that part of my mind, as ChatGPT has got it covered.

It's not news to me that self-chatter is a bad thing, but it kind of feels like it has been handed to me now: It's so obviously now a waste of my time I should think of other things to do. Like stop and consider what it "feels like" to have that initial stupid thought or to not think about that stupid thought at all, for the thought is just words and you're not good at that. You should cash in some plasticity.

Another thing to take away is, maybe instead of panicking about what all these transistors are going to do to us, we should focus on what we are good at. Facebook has led us into the Chattercene a bit of careful reflection can take us back into the Neofeelocene.

As a matter fact, I think the whole idea of someone being "smart" because they are knowledgeable is going to no longer be a thing. Be sure to tell that to the self-righteous jerk at work.

The distinction between intelligence and knowledge will be made clear. If you want smart, go to that guy over there. If you want knowledge, here's the website.