Mike Burr - log

[comedy] Synthesized Louis C.K. bit #001

But ya know... people take therapy seriously. The take all this seriously, as they should. They should!

And in particular I think the idea of making friends with yourself is just as gross to me as it is to you, but at the same timmmeee... It sounds logically reasonable too. If you have one or more persons-za you call a "friend", you therefore do not think having friends is gay, right?

## pause for laughter ##

And who is the most important person in the world? You...right? It's got to be that way. If it feels gross, well... that's you. Fix it. Am I right?

But for me at least, real quick, I can't help but picture maybe shaking hands; maybe little bro hug, commere, you! you know?

## more laughter at pantomime ##

But but if you keep going.

## C.K. style frown frown/smile toggle; perplexed but honest. ##

## Silence ##

This is the person you are closest to in the whole world. Don't you think you'd be giving each other handies like within a day?

## Uproarious Hillbilly Laughter ##

I mean... It's you, right? And you...

## Pause ##

just thought of it too.

## Scans front row ##

## Another 7 minutes of really milking this topic follow ##