Mike Burr - log

[comp] An additional color space that's RGB-squared?

You have two eyes. Your brain is plastic. With the right VR "environment" two separate things can be convey to your two eyes. You usually don't pick apart the two views because, 1) it's hard 2) the views are pretty close to the same.

Say you're in VR space and you have a sphere floating in front of you. If for example you put latitude lines on the left image and longitude lines on the right image, your brain would probably just shrug and combine them. You'd see a globe with lines.

Color is not too complicated though, and if your right eye saw a blue sphere and your left eye saw a red sphere, your brain would blend them and you'd see whatever R+B is called.

If you reversed the two colors, same result!

But what if you were showed spheres and other things and you were trained or incentivized to perceive the difference between the two "apparently identical" spheres?

I bet with some practice you could do it. Consider that in this experiment the left eye only sees one color and the right eye sees the other. That means actual physical differences to what the cells are doing when they transmit to the brain. The combining lf lat-lon lines on a glob is a process that happens in your brain. In the case of two colored spheres, great big patches of each retina is painted differently. Might matter!

If you can train yourself to do this you can add 2 ⨉ C² more "colors" to your pallet. Maybe..probably.