Mike Burr - log

[so-] Intergenerational Faulty Parenting Insurance

Your parents, generation n on the policy, buy it.

It's cheap.

There's a few tests that both parents must take. The actuaries study these to determine premiums and whatnot.

Generation n+1 can only learn if their parents held a policy if they attempt to file a claim.

Note that cousins and so forth area automatically linked in, so your whole family tree becomes subject to scrutiny by the actuaries.

If your parents fuck up your life, the adjuster cuts you a check.

If you get a policy, and your parents had a policy, the balance(s) of their policy and whether or not you filed a claim are part of the calculation for your premiums and whatnot.

Starting a policy means that you can no longer file a claim.

[A Hypothetical Limited Verisimilitude Corporation formed to highlight faulty thinking and the overall absurdity of life; Offer not an offer.]