Mike Burr - log

[so-][rando] Why Louisiana Stays Poor

Mike reacts to a Youtube video title without even watching the video (for no reason.)

I see in the video thumbnail a person holding a microphone with their mouth open.

BTW, putting a microphone in someone's hand is practically shorthand for "this person has a bunch of people listening to them in some sort of forum." Ironically, the thing you use to serialize the sound coming from your mouth becomes the symbol for "talking in realtime to a room of people". And it's probably not even a very big room or so many people.


Anyway, sometimes you see intentionally bad depictions (pictures) of people and they've got their mouth open in a dumb-guy pose. Sometimes it can also be "The person I 'like' is saying something! I'd better read this!" That's called smart-guy mouth-open pose.

Steepled contemplative index fingers touching the philtrum is a gesture that requires that your mouth be closed. This means that the important man is thinking.

I think this person I saw contemplating why Louisiana be like it do was just talking. Giving opinion.

It occurred to me that whatever the case, this video is about DOING SOMETHING and that literally always means "via whoever's in charge around here". More and more, people just fast forward to "North America's United States Federal Policy Makers" (usfg. feds. spooks.)

This is about "a state", so I predict it will end with state stuff.

I can predict, with certainty, that when I click on this video we are going to hear endless plans from random individuals. More text books, less summer school. More extracurricular, less homework. More Art, fewer beans in the lunches.

The general point is more important: Use the power we have to change the rules that the ones in power have to enforce. Rocking the vote... doing the good kind of lobbying... becoming one of the ones in power, or trying. Because that's fun. That's a good way to spend your life, eh?

Above all else, DO a THING ... NAO!!

<insert-thing-here> Now!

Do it now! I wannit now!

Do means, "make it so with laws"

Thing means, "whatever we just cooked up as a group"

We need to DO something. All the things we did in the past led us to this current terrible situation; Ergo, we need to DO something!

How about this... If you randomly helicoptered in poor people and rich people onto an unpopulated planet, would you expect them to just stay uniformly mixed together? Or would you expect that maybe they would coalesce into pockets and that kind of thing? As they by definition view themselves as part of a group, i.e. "rich" or "poor", they would probably do the latter.

So if you find yourself in a poor pocket, do you ask

"How can we make this pocket less poor? Now, for the next 17 hours I will take random droll opinions from sweaty, smooth-brained audience members chosen at random..."

Is that your only goal? To make your pocket less poor? At all costs? Because of the children?

What if you were right next to a really awesome pocket that was welcoming of people, totally chill, had a mix of "jobs" but also, if you watch your expenses, you could get away with working little, possibly. Why, when you think things through and be "chill" about the well-laid plans that you have, some stuff just runs on autopilot. Want a road paved? It's your road, figure it out.

Would it be bad for the children if you said

"Step #1, move to that place next door. There's not even a border crossing or anything, just a sign. You can just walk right in.

There are pretty good pockets elsewhere too. Busses are cheap. Plan a little?

[Update: I watched the stupid thing. tl;dr -- raise taxes]