Mike Burr - log

[so-] The Dur of Their Ways

Sometimes I'm cursed with awareness of others' hypocrisy to the point where I get light vertigo. You too. You might relate to having a strong variant of this feeling:

But. You. What? You just. How. But. You mean you don't...


Something like that. The particulars can vary. It might be more along the lines of

What? If someone else said the same you would go all crazy.

You know with great confidence that there's bad faith here. You have identified a crack in the great machiavellian campaign for this person to come off smelling like roses; maybe racist or pointlessly bigoted roses. It varies. It hinges upon strong preferences that the person claims to have, or must continue to claim loudly to everyone they have.

Here is a table that contrasts a few examples. The left-hand column is reality, the right-hand column doth protest much.

Casual Acknowledgment Incessant and Loud Verbal Certainty
1+1=2 People from the east coast can't drive
Net entropy increases That guy dresses like a fag
May as well be nice Folks only understand a 2x4 upside the head
e𝒾𝛑 + 1 = 0 Sometimes you just gotta take a stand

You imagine cooking up just the right kind of hypothetical to cause understanding to emerge. Because, after all, if they could just see.


Here's an impromptu counter-pleading. I'm very practiced:

The only reason this is very compelling to you and therefore truer than true is that you are stewing in your own juices. The emphasis you have on this part and that part of your current strong opinion is just your emphasis and nothing more. It exists entirely in your head.

Imagine a Hutu that's had a few trying to explain to you why clearly the only Tutsi at the party must be responsible for the ding in his fender outside.

"Hellooo! They can't drive!? -- Widely known fact..?"

"And jusǂ lʘʘk at hǀm. Walkin around all smug."

"With his subtly different features."


Anyway, the abstract idea is the one I wanted to share and commiserate about. Specific examples abound.

God DAMN Freemasons!!