Mike Burr - log

[so-] Ticking God Bombs

I wonder if some people don't go around very conflicted and neurotic because of some religious stuff their parents laid on them.

I mean, if you earnestly tell a five year old that "this book is 100% true" or "if you don't X you will burn forever in the ovens of retribution" and if you do it over and over again, and if you get scary and agitated when the child asks reasonable questions, not knowing any better...

...if you do that, you are going to end up with a special kind of human being.

A fine and pious kind of human? Well. It varies I'm sure, but the above is roughly the way that good religious children are raised all over the wold; with scary threats and apparently earnest parents.

I think it's likely to turn you into a maladaptive weirdo. Like, if you "internalize" some of these things, and are challenged by some such-n-such at a party with too many opinions, you are immediately, right in front of this drunk stranger, put in the position of either

If a smart and imaginative person has to do this throughout their life, they might also be tortured by the cognitive dissonance.