Mike Burr - log

[ugh] Wee! Airplane!

I can write nice things too, ya know. But I feel like I'm praying to lord jesus, like mom likes to do. O the glee you've enjoyed mocking her 'beliefs'.

We have

  1. Muzlim bad
  2. "Ha! Church. What a laugh!"

So what you?

Like talking to jesus because I get no response but on I go for reasons I don't understand. Why say anything nice when I'm just freestyling with regard to the subject of the matter. Who knows? May as well be a ghost. Make something up and then ruminate on it for a long time. Wee.

I don't doubt you'll read this as it might contain valuable intel for your campaign.

Anyway, my theme was going to be about how your ego-stroking devices are all puttering out and you will spend the last years of your life bitter and alone, but I got sidetracked.