Mike Burr - log

[VR][Al][rando] Hilariously Therapeutic

We are close to this, so I thought I'd introduce it. [I don't know fucking shit about shit. I never said I did by the way.]

If you have someone in your life that has been a bit of a cunt to you, maybe someone who has had some level of "control" over you (or not).

Imagine if (provided only by a licensed therapist of course) you could summon a VR experience where...

You provide pictures or whatever of this person. Maybe voice too. Wait, definitely voice. You provide whatever is necessary to make a "plausible as possible" (a PaP) self-contained model suitable for VR interaction.

So, you can step into VR and encounter this person. He or she may walk into walls and say nonsensical non sequiturs. Or maybe not. Maybe it's more like the target person. It's a continuum. We probably can only do "human music" grade simulations at this point.

But even still. I think we can find a use for dumb old Steve or Bob or Aunt Tay. Or maybe even the final boss: Parent! (depending)

Here is my idea. You make a VR experience where the ...not objective ...the experience is more comical and probably in all seriousness kind of "calibrating" for the mind. Maybe. Or maybe apocalypse. How should I know?

The important bit is: This person is exactly half size and has their voice pitch turned up proportionately. They are chipmunkish.

And maybe they are angry at you. Who knows. But look at them go!! All red-faced. Maybe kicking at your shins.